Supplementary data
Supplementary data
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Supplementary table and acknowledgements - Table E4. Prevalence of COPD computed using FEV1/FEV6 in place of the FEV1/FVC COPD Criterion The Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease (BOLD) Collaborative Research Group
- Figure E1 - Comparison of COPD prevalence for various alternative definitions of COPD using pre-bronchodilator spirometry for participants in the BOLD study. Top panel contrasts prevalences for each definition within site, while bottom panel contrasts site differences within each definition. Prevalences based on the fixed ratio significantly higher than for all other estimators at each site (all p-values <_0.001-- end="end" desc="desc" online_supplement_figure_e1a-e1b.jpg="online_supplement_figure_e1a-e1b.jpg" _--="_--">
- Figure E2 - Prevalence of �COPD� among healthy never smokers in the BOLD study (using pre-bronchodilator spirometry data from all sites combined). Except for the LLN(ratio) criterion for the lowest age group (p=0.14), the fixed ratio prevalence estimates were all significantly greater than those for each of the other estimators (p <_0.0001.-- end="end" desc="desc" online_supplement_figure_e2.jpg="online_supplement_figure_e2.jpg" _--="_--">
- Figure E3 - Prevalence of GOLD stages 2-4 COPD in the BOLD study using NHANES III and site specific prediction equations (using pre-bronchodilator spirometry data from all sites combined). The estimated prevalences were significantly higher (p <_0.0001 for="for" all="all" age="age" groups="groups" when="when" using="using" common="common" reference="reference" equations="equations" sites="sites" nhanes="nhanes" and="and" hordaland="hordaland" county="county" than="than" local="local" prediction="prediction" equations.="equations." the="the" prevalence="prevalence" estimates="estimates" differed="differed" significantly="significantly" overall="overall" youngest="youngest" oldest="oldest" groups.--="groups.--" end="end" desc="desc" online_supplement_figure_e3.jpg="online_supplement_figure_e3.jpg" _--="_--">