Introduction The European Respiratory Society taskforce for harmonised standards for lung cancer registration and lung cancer services in Europe recognised the need to create a single dataset for use in pan-European data collection, and a manual of standards for European lung cancer services.
Methods Existing national and international datasets were reviewed with the results of a survey of clinical data collection on lung cancer in 35 European countries. These two different sources of evidence were considered by the multidisciplinary taskforce. A similar process was followed for the manual of lung cancer services where existing guidelines and national or international recommendations for lung cancer services were used to develop a manual of standards for services in Europe.
Results Essential and minimum datasets for lung cancer registration were developed to enable all countries to collect the same essential data and some to collect data with greater detail. A manual specifying standards for lung cancer services in Europe was developed.
Conclusion Despite the wide variation in the socio-political landscape across Europe, the ERS is determined to encourage the delivery of high quality lung cancer care. The manual of lung cancer services and minimum dataset for lung cancer registration will both support this aspiration.
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Conflict of interest: Dr. Rich has nothing to disclose.
Conflict of interest: Dr. Baldwin reports personal fees from Astra Zeneca, outside the submitted work.
Conflict of interest: Dr. Beckett has nothing to disclose.
Conflict of interest: Dr. Berghmans has nothing to disclose.
Conflict of interest: Ms. Boyd reports and I am an employee of the European Lung Foundation.
Conflict of interest: Dr. Faivre-Finn reports grants and other from Merck, grants and other from AstraZeneca, grants and other from Pfizer, outside the submitted work.
Conflict of interest: Pr Francoise Galateau Salle has nothing to disclose.
Conflict of interest: Dr. Gamarra has nothing to disclose.
Conflict of interest: Dr. GRIGORIU has nothing to disclose.
Conflict of interest: Dr. Hansen has nothing to disclose.
Conflict of interest: Dr. HARDAVELLA has nothing to disclose.
Conflict of interest: Dr. Jakobsen has nothing to disclose.
Conflict of interest: Dr. Jovanovic has nothing to disclose.
Conflict of interest: Dr. Konsoulova has nothing to disclose.
Conflict of interest: Dr. Massard has nothing to disclose.
Conflict of interest: Dr. MCPHELIM reports personal fees from ROCHE, personal fees from MSD, personal fees from PFIZER, personal fees from LILLY ONCOLOGY, personal fees from ABBVIE, outside the submitted work.
Conflict of interest: Dr. Meert has nothing to disclose.
Conflict of interest: R. Milroy
Conflict of interest: Dr. Mutti has nothing to disclose.
Conflict of interest: Dr. Paesmans has nothing to disclose.
Conflict of interest: Dr. Peake has nothing to disclose.
Conflict of interest: Dr. Putora has nothing to disclose.
Conflict of interest: Dr. De Ruysscher has nothing to disclose.
Conflict of interest: Dr. Sculier has nothing to disclose.
Conflict of interest: Dr. Schepereel has nothing to disclose.
Conflict of interest: Dr. Subotic has nothing to disclose.
Conflict of interest: Dr. Van Schil has nothing to disclose.
Conflict of interest: Dr. Blum has nothing to disclose.
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