positional OSA | non-positional OSA | P value | |
Age | 46,78±9,66 | 50,90±10,96 | <0,001 |
BMI | 29,39±3,80 | 33,30±6,45 | <0,001 |
Neck circumflex | 42,25 ± 2,63 | 43,49 ± 2,58 | 0,001 |
Gender (M/F) | 61/27 | 117/75 | 0,176 |
Aim: We aimed to compare clinical, polysomnographicparametresofpatientswithpositional andnonpositionalOSA
Material and method: This retrospective study was conducted during January2017andSeptember2018inatertiarycarecenterIstanbul. Acompleterecordof310patientswhowerepresented to our sleep center andunderwent polysomnography (PSG) was performed.30ofthesepatientswereexcluded becauseofcongestiveheart failure, chroniclungdiseaseandcentralsleepapneapatientsweredividedintotwo groups according toPSGaspositionalOSApatients(group1)andnonpositionalOSApatients(group2)Age, gender, BMI, neckcircumflex, polysomnographicparametreswereevaluated.
Results: Atotalof280 patientsmadeupof102women and 178menwereincludedinthisstudy. Themeanageof group1(46,78±9,66) was found to be significantly lower than the mean age of group2(50,90±10,96)(p<0,001)The meanbodymassindexandneckcircumflexof group1werelowerthanthoseofgroup2(p<0,001)Sleeptime, Sleepefficiency(%)minimumoxygensaturation, meanoxygensaturation of group1wassignificantlyhigherthan those of group2. AHI, AI, ODI, TST%90, heart rate and PLM index of group1 were lower than group2. The rate of sleep apnea severity in group1(7.95%)waslowerthan in group2(53.65%). In bloodgasanalysis, themeanPO2ingroup1(91.26 ± 19.29)washigherthaningroup2(85.21±17.63)(p:0,030)meanSO2ingroup1(96.83±2.80)washigherthaningroup2(95.63±3.81)) (p:0,001).
Conclusion: Inthelightofthesedata, itwasdeterminedthatpositionalOSApatientswereyounger andlowerweightandtheseverityofthediseasewaslesscommoninpositionalOSApatients
Cite this article as: European Respiratory Journal 2021; 58: Suppl. 65, PA2498.
This abstract was presented at the 2021 ERS International Congress, in session “Prediction of exacerbations in patients with COPD”.
This is an ERS International Congress abstract. No full-text version is available. Further material to accompany this abstract may be available at www.ers-education.org (ERS member access only).
- Copyright ©the authors 2021