Index by author
01 January 2019; volume 53, issue 1
Abernethy, Amy P.
- Currow, David C. et al "Sertraline in symptomatic chronic breathlessness: a double blind, randomised trial." European Respiratory Journal 53.1 (2019): 1801270. Web. 13 Sept2024.
Abman, Steven H.
- Rosenzweig, Erika B. et al "Paediatric pulmonary arterial hypertension: updates on definition, classification, diagnostics and management." European Respiratory Journal 53.1 (2019): 1801916. Web. 13 Sept2024.
Abubakar, Ibrahim
- Abubakar, Ibrahim, and Marc Lipman. "Reducing loss to follow-up during treatment for drug-resistant tuberculosis." European Respiratory Journal 53.1 (2019): 1802268. Web. 13 Sept2024.
Adamali, Huzaifa
- Richeldi, Luca et al "No relevant pharmacokinetic drug–drug interaction between nintedanib and pirfenidone." European Respiratory Journal 53.1 (2019): 1801060. Web. 13 Sept2024.
Adatia, Ian
- Rosenzweig, Erika B. et al "Paediatric pulmonary arterial hypertension: updates on definition, classification, diagnostics and management." European Respiratory Journal 53.1 (2019): 1801916. Web. 13 Sept2024.
Adcock, Ian M.
- Pavlidis, Stelios et al "“T2-high” in severe asthma related to blood eosinophil, exhaled nitric oxide and serum periostin." European Respiratory Journal 53.1 (2019): 1800938. Web. 13 Sept2024.
Agapow, Paul
- Pavlidis, Stelios et al "“T2-high” in severe asthma related to blood eosinophil, exhaled nitric oxide and serum periostin." European Respiratory Journal 53.1 (2019): 1800938. Web. 13 Sept2024.
Agar, Meera
- Currow, David C. et al "Sertraline in symptomatic chronic breathlessness: a double blind, randomised trial." European Respiratory Journal 53.1 (2019): 1801270. Web. 13 Sept2024.
- Currow, David C., Meera Agar, and Magnus Ekström. "Sertraline or placebo in chronic breathlessness? Lessons from placebo research." European Respiratory Journal 53.1 (2019): 1802316. Web. 13 Sept2024.
Aldred, Micheala A.
- Morrell, Nicholas W. et al "Genetics and genomics of pulmonary arterial hypertension." European Respiratory Journal 53.1 (2019): 1801899. Web. 13 Sept2024.
Armstrong, Iain
- McGoon, Michael D. et al "The importance of patient perspectives in pulmonary hypertension." European Respiratory Journal 53.1 (2019): 1801919. Web. 13 Sept2024.