Effect of aclidinium bromide on dyspnoea and health status in patients with stable COPD: Phase III data by GOLD 2013 classification
Robert M. Mróz, Maria Pilar Ausin, Rosa Lamarca, Esther Garcia Gil
European Respiratory Journal 2014 44: P891; DOI:
Robert M. Mróz
1Department of Lung Diseases and Tuberculosis, Medical University of Bialystok, Bialystok, Poland
Maria Pilar Ausin
2IMIM. UPF. CIBERE, Hospital del Mar, Barcelona, Spain
Rosa Lamarca
3R&D Centre, Almirall, Barcelona, Spain
Esther Garcia Gil
3R&D Centre, Almirall, Barcelona, Spain
Vol 44 Issue Suppl 58
Table of Contents
Effect of aclidinium bromide on dyspnoea and health status in patients with stable COPD: Phase III data by GOLD 2013 classification
Robert M. Mróz, Maria Pilar Ausin, Rosa Lamarca, Esther Garcia Gil
European Respiratory Journal Sep 2014, 44 (Suppl 58) P891;