Objectives: to determine the significance of different clinical, inflammatory (procalcitonin (PCT) and C-reactive protein (CRP)), immunological (CD4, CD8) markers as predictors of survival in patients with severe CAP.
Methods: 51 patients with verified severe CAP without HIV (age – 57,50±4,31 years, men – 37 (72,5%),women – 14 (27,5%)). General analysis, SMRT-CO count, determination of serum PCT and CRP, blood CD4, CD8 prior antibacterial therapy (ABT) (visit 1), on 8–10 day of ABT (visit 2) with count of delta (v 2-1), statistic including factor loading.
Results: in 6 (11,7%) patients with severe CAP, despite adequate ABT, lethal end of disease was determined. Statistical value on survival of different parameters is present in table (maximum is 1)
Conclusions: 1) initial SMRT-CO count cannot serve as a predictor of survival in patients with severe CAP; 2) feature of survival predicting in patients with severe CAP is the complex account of immune and inflammatory markers; 3) the most significant laboratory predictors of outcome in patients with severe CAP is individual dynamic of CD4 and PCT.
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