Probe-based confocal laser endomicroscopy (pCLE) is a new method of visualization of distal airways also known as alveoscopy.
Aim to compare the pCLE images with HRCT data in corresponding lung segments.
Methods HRCT scans were studied in 15 patients with pneumonia, 10 with pulmonary sarcoidosis, 7 with emphysema, 5 with adenocarcinoma and 3 with pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP). The following radiologic signs were analyzed: low-density areas (LDA) and consolidation areas (CA), ground-glass opacity (GGO) and crazy paving (CP). pCLE images were assessed on following criteria: quantity of alveolar macrophages and floating intraalveolar substances, microvessels diameter, elastic fibers thickness.
Results The most expressed correlations at LDA, CA and CP were with the amount of alveolar macrophages, floating substances, and thickness of elastic fibers.
GGO feature had correlations with the thickness of elastic fibers, and with the amount of floating substances.
Conclusion Some pCLE signs have strong correlation with HRCT data. Alveoscopy can be used as additional diagnostic method of lung diseases.
- © 2013 ERS