There is no study demonstrating the relationship between OSAS and venous thromboemboli (VTE). The aim is to evaluate OSAS in patients with pulmonary embolism (PE) and OSAS as a risk factor for PE.
In the department of chest diseases of Düzce University Hospital, 50 patients with PE were evaluated for the frequency of OSAS, prospectively.
Polysomnographic was performed to clinically stable 30 patients agreed to participate in the study. Apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) more than 5 was defined as OSAS.
30 patients (14 women, 16 men, 25-85 age) were included in study. There were 24 patients with non-massive PE (%80), 3 patients with submassive PE (%10), 2 patients chronic PE (%6,7) and 1 patient with massive PE (%3,3), respectively.%56,7 of the patients (17/30) OSAS were detected. The percent of patients with moderate and severe OSAS (AHI >15) was%26,7 (8/30). The patients with no known major risk factors for PE had significantly high rates OSAS compared to those with having major risk factors (respectively,%70; 14/20,%30 3/10 and p:0,045) The mean age of the group with major risk factor for VTE was found low. (66-13 and 52 -15, p: 0,015) There was no significantly difference for gender, weight and body mass index between the groups, who have major risk factors for VTE and who have no major risk factor for VTE.
The rate of OSAS in patients with PE was much higher than that of community. Moreover, the clinical significance of moderate and severe OSAS patients in the community for at least 5 times higher. The group with idiopathic thromboembolism without a risk factor has OSAS in higher rates when compared with the group with risk factors.
- © 2011 ERS