Index by author
01 November 2006; volume 28, issue 5
Acencio, M. M.
- Marchi, E. et al "Evidence that mesothelial cells regulate the acute inflammatory response in talc pleurodesis." European Respiratory Journal 28.5 (2006): 929-932. Web. 13 Sept2024.
Albuquerque, A. L. P.
- Albuquerque, A. L. P. et al "Inspiratory fraction and exercise impairment in COPD patients GOLD stages II–III." European Respiratory Journal 28.5 (2006): 939-944. Web. 13 Sept2024.
Antonangelo, L.
- Marchi, E. et al "Evidence that mesothelial cells regulate the acute inflammatory response in talc pleurodesis." European Respiratory Journal 28.5 (2006): 929-932. Web. 13 Sept2024.
Atamna, A.
- Stein-Zamir, C. et al "Tuberculosis outbreak among students in a boarding school." European Respiratory Journal 28.5 (2006): 986-991. Web. 13 Sept2024.
Bai, K-J.
- Chiang, C-Y. et al "Outcome of pulmonary multidrug-resistant tuberculosis: a 6-yr follow-up study." European Respiratory Journal 28.5 (2006): 980-985. Web. 13 Sept2024.
Beasley, R.
- Masoli, M. et al "Inhaled fluticasone propionate and adrenal effects in adult asthma: systematic review and meta-analysis." European Respiratory Journal 28.5 (2006): 960-967. Web. 13 Sept2024.
Bednarek, M.
- Zielinski, J., M. Bednarek, and D. Gorecka. " From the authors ." European Respiratory Journal 28.5 (2006): 1068. Web. 13 Sept2024.
Boetticher, E.
- Meliton, A. Y. et al "Phosphodiesterase 4 inhibition of β2-integrin adhesion caused by leukotriene B4 and TNF-α in human neutrophils." European Respiratory Journal 28.5 (2006): 920-928. Web. 13 Sept2024.
Bos, A. P.
- Dahlem, P. et al "Mechanical ventilation affects alveolar fibrinolysis in LPS-induced lung injury." European Respiratory Journal 28.5 (2006): 992-998. Web. 13 Sept2024.
Cerasoli, F.
- Derendorf, H. et al "Relevance of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of inhaled corticosteroids to asthma." European Respiratory Journal 28.5 (2006): 1042-1050. Web. 13 Sept2024.
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