Index by author
01 November 1989; volume 2, issue 10
Ahonen, A
- Lahdensuo, A et al "Psychosocial effects of continuous oxygen therapy in hypoxaemic chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients." European Respiratory Journal 2.10 (1989): 977-980. Web. 14 Sept2024.
Barbe, F
- Querol Borras, JM et al "Lactobacilli and pleuropulmonary infection." European Respiratory Journal 2.10 (1989): 1021. Web. 14 Sept2024.
Begin, R
- Begin, R, A Cantin, and S Masse. "Recent advances in the pathogenesis and clinical assessment of mineral dust pneumoconioses: asbestosis, silicosis and coal pneumoconiosis." European Respiratory Journal 2.10 (1989): 988-1001. Web. 14 Sept2024.
Berend, N
- Peters, MJ, AB Breslin, and N Berend. "The effect of anticholinergic and beta-agonist pretreatment on bronchoconstriction induced by N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine." European Respiratory Journal 2.10 (1989): 946-949. Web. 14 Sept2024.
Breslin, AB
- Peters, MJ, AB Breslin, and N Berend. "The effect of anticholinergic and beta-agonist pretreatment on bronchoconstriction induced by N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine." European Respiratory Journal 2.10 (1989): 946-949. Web. 14 Sept2024.
Burney, PG
- Burney, PG et al "Validity and repeatability of the IUATLD (1984) Bronchial Symptoms Questionnaire: an international comparison." European Respiratory Journal 2.10 (1989): 940-945. Web. 14 Sept2024.
Cantin, A
- Begin, R, A Cantin, and S Masse. "Recent advances in the pathogenesis and clinical assessment of mineral dust pneumoconioses: asbestosis, silicosis and coal pneumoconiosis." European Respiratory Journal 2.10 (1989): 988-1001. Web. 14 Sept2024.
Chilvers, ER
- Chilvers, ER et al "Absence of circulating products of oxygen derived free radicals in acute severe asthma." European Respiratory Journal 2.10 (1989): 950-954. Web. 14 Sept2024.
Chinn, DJ
- Cotes, JE, and DJ Chinn. "Questionnaire of the ECSC on respiratory symptoms." European Respiratory Journal 2.10 (1989): 1021-1022. Web. 14 Sept2024.
Chinn, S
- Burney, PG et al "Validity and repeatability of the IUATLD (1984) Bronchial Symptoms Questionnaire: an international comparison." European Respiratory Journal 2.10 (1989): 940-945. Web. 14 Sept2024.