Respiratory tract mucus is a viscoelastic gel, the rheological properties of which are determined mainly by its content of mucous glycoproteins and water. The rheology and quantity of mucus, in concert with ciliary factors, are the major determinants of mucociliary clearance. A wide range of animal models for studying the secretion and clearance of mucus are available. Ex vivo models, such as the frog palate or excised bovine trachea, provide direct, meaningful data regarding the clearability of mucus. Rodent models of chronic bronchitis, based on irritant gas or cigarette smoke exposure, show important features of the human condition in a relatively short time. The rheological characterization of mucus is made difficult by the small quantities obtainable, particularly from normal animals. Large animal models, such as the dog or sheep, although more expensive, offer many advantages, such as the ability to carry out long-term serial measurements, and to make integrated measurements of the clearance of mucus, ciliary function, epithelial ion transport, and the rheology of mucus in the same preparation.