Table 2– Correlation between high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) airway wall thickening, HRCT air trapping and pulmonary function
HRCT variablesPFTs
FVC % predFEV1 % predMMEF % predFEV1/FVC %RV/TLC %
Air trapping
 Visual score-0.446#-0.639#-0.404#-0.356#0.293
 ATHU-850 corrected for ground glass-0.017-0.233-0.402#-0.2970.078
 AT15 corrected for ground glass0.0180.1830.333#0.213-0.114
Airway wall thickening
 Visual score-0.077-0.113-0.67-0.330.112
 Wall area0.1780.2570.0880.002-0.396
 Wall area %-0.29-0.04-0.0320.0430.124
 WAlung area0.1570.2140.1090.022-0.318
  • Data are presented as Spearman rank correlation coefficients. PFT: pulmonary function test; FVC: forced vital capacity; % pred: % predicted; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 s; MMEF: maximum mid-expiratory flow at 25–75% of FVC; RV: residual volume; TLC: total lung capacity; HU: Hounsfield units; ATHU-850: number of voxels < -850 HU as percentage of total number of voxels; AT15: HU at 15th percentile; WABSA: wall area normalised to body size; WAlung area: wall area normalised to right lung area at right upper lobe apical bronchus level; WA%age: wall area percentage corrected for age; WAPi10: wall area at a perimeter of the inner airway lumen of 10 mm. #: significant correlation in expected direction; : significant correlation in opposite direction.