Table 2– Average unit cost per acid-fast bacilli (AFB) smear on sputum sample/slide for light-emitting diode (LED) with auramine O versus Ziehl–Neelsen (ZN) light microscopy
Type of microscopyCost per AFB smear US$
Overhead#Building spaceEquipment+Staff§Reagents and chemicalsƒConsumables##Total
  • #: maintenance, running, management and supervision costs; : cost relating to the use of specific physical (laboratory space) for procedures relevant for microscopy; +: costs based on annualised cost of laboratory equipment, inclusive of procurement costs; §: complete staff hands-on time from the receipt of specimen to dispatch and filing of the result forms; ƒ: based on costs of ready-made staining reagents procured by National Health Laboratory Services and ∼3 mL of use per slide for each staining reagent; ##: cost associated with the use of general consumables such as sputum collection cups, gloves, glass slides, etc.