Table 3– How to choose the right aerosol delivery device for patients with good and poor actuation–inhalation coordination
Good actuation–inhalation coordinationPoor actuation–inhalation coordination
Inspiratory flow#
≥30 L·min−1
Inspiratory flow#
<30 L·min−1
Inspiratory flow#
≥30 L·min−1
Inspiratory flow#
<30 L·min−1
  • pMDI: pressurised metered-dose inhaler; BA-pMDI: breath actuated-pMDI; DPI: dry powder inhaler. #: inspiratory flow can be determined from the flow–volume curve generated during spirometry measurements, or by using devices like the IN-Check Dial®. See Appendix for all product/drug manufacturer details. Reproduced and modified from [34].