Table 3– Intention-to-treat analysis of mean change (improvement) in transitional dyspnoea index (TDI) focal score according to concomitant treatment with a long-acting β2-agonist (LABA) and frequency of previous exacerbations
Mean TDI focal scoreDifference score (95% CI)Two-sided p-value
All patients0.662 (n=1470)0.409 (n=1514)0.253 (0.104–0.402)0.0009
LABA use#
 With LABA0.448 (n=718)0.159 (n=775)0.289 (0.081–0.497)0.0066
 Without LABA0.904 (n=752)0.680 (n=739)0.224 (0.002–0.446)0.0477
Previous exacerbations#
 Infrequent0.604 (n=1070)0.451 (n=1105)0.153 (-0.026–0.332)0.0948
 Frequent0.698 (n=400)0.201 (n=409)0.497 (0.207–0.786)0.0008
  • TDI is graded from 0–4, where 0 is most severe; a change in TDI score of 1.0 unit is considered clinically relevant. Least square means, 95% CI and p-values are based on a repeated measurements ANCOVA model with the following factors and covariates: treatment, baseline value, age, sex, smoking status, time, treatment-by-time interaction, study and country pool (only for the overall population). For all groups apart from LABA usage, concomitant treatment with LABA was also included as a factor. Exacerbations in the previous year (based on patient recall) are defined as infrequent if fewer than two and frequent if two or more exacerbations. #: post hoc analyses.