Table 2– Intention-to-treat analysis of time to onset of first, second or third moderate or severe exacerbation in patient groups receiving concomitant treatment with a long-acting β2-agonist (LABA) and by previous exacerbations
Patients with eventTime to event daysHR (95% CI)Two-sided p-value
All patients
 First717 (46.6)821 (52.8)80.0 (18.0–245.0)71.0 (19.0–200.0)0.886 (0.802–0.980)0.0185
 Second329 (21.4)430 (27.7)177.0 (72.0–307.0)148.0 (71.0–267.0)0.791 (0.685–0.914)0.0014
 Third#152 (9.9)218 (14.0)224.5 (123.0–328.0)197.0 (114.0–308.0)0.730 (0.593–0.899)0.0031
With LABA#
 First376 (50.2)463 (58.4)74.5 (17.0–220.0)67.0 (17.0–198.0)0.863 (0.753–0.990)0.0349
 Second180 (24.0)250 (31.5)160.5 (71.0–301.0)148.0 (71.0–252.0)0.792 (0.653–0.961)0.0179
 Third82 (10.9)133 (16.8)222.5 (129.0–312.0)201.0 (112.0–304.0)0.684 (0.518–0.903)0.0075
Without LABA#
 First341 (43.3)358 (47.0)85.0 (20.0–266.0)74.0 (21.0–212.0)0.924 (0.796–1.073)0.3002
 Second149 (18.9)180 (23.7)194.0 (75.0–316.0)151.0 (75.0–289.0)0.803 (0.646–0.999)0.0493
 Third70 (8.9)85 (11.2)226.5 (119.0–332.0)189.0 (114.0–309.0)0.792 (0.576–1.090)0.1530
Infrequent exacerbators#,¶
 First470 (41.8)545 (47.9)85.0 (21.0–255.0)76.0 (20.0–216.0)0.885 (0.781–1.001)0.0523
 Second197 (17.5)260 (22.9)188.0 (79.0–312.0)155.0 (75.0–277.0)0.808 (0.671–0.973)0.0245
 Third85 (7.6)118 (10.4)224.0 (129.0–312.0)198.5 (114.0–312.0)0.776 (0.586–1.027)0.0765
Frequent exacerbators#,¶
 First247 (59.8)276 (66.2)69.0 (14.0–215.0)59.0 (17.0–182.0)0.895 (0.752–1.065)0.2101
 Second132 (32.0)170 (40.8)155.0 (60.0–289.0)141.0 (71.0–246.0)0.740 (0.588–0.932)0.0107
 Third67 (16.2)100 (24.0)227.0 (122.0–332.0)194.0 (113.5–289.0)0.653 (0.478–0.892)0.0074
  • Data are presented as n (%) or median (68% range), unless otherwise stated. Hazard ratio (HR), 95% CI and p-values are based on Cox proportional hazards model with the following factors and covariates: treatment, age, sex, smoking status and strata (study and country pool). For all groups apart from LABA usage, concomitant treatment with a LABA was also included as a factor. Moderate exacerbations are defined as those requiring corticosteroid treatment. Severe exacerbations are defined as those resulting in hospitalisation or death. #: post hoc analyses; : exacerbations in the previous year (based on patient recall), defined as infrequent if fewer than two and frequent if two or more exacerbations.