Table 2– Characteristics of the European Community and Respiratory Health Survey (ECRHS)II population and probability of individuals presenting the characteristics, by inclusion in each of the four phenotypes identified by the latent class analysis
All subjectsPhenotype APhenotype BPhenotype CPhenotype D
Subjects n (%)1895 (100.0)685 (36.1)363 (19.2)548 (28.9)299 (15.8)
Age ≥40 yrs0.600.500.760.550.73
Male sex0.410.490.250.460.33
Age at asthma onset yrs
Woken by coughing#0.450.450.790.260.35
Asthma symptom score#
 0 symptom0.
 1–2 symptoms0.400.380.300.450.48
 ≥3 symptoms0.360.590.670.030.02
Chronic cough or phlegm0.220.240.460.090.17
Asthma attack#0.430.750.730.060.04
Asthma treatment
 No treatment0.440.080.200.750.79
 Other than daily ICS0.390.640.490.190.18
 Daily ICS0.170.280.310.060.03
IgE ≥100 IU·mL−10.460.740.150.500.11
FEV1 <80% pred0.
  • Data are presented as the probability of individuals presenting the characteristics, unless otherwise stated. ICS: inhaled corticocosteroid; Ig: immunoglobulin; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 s; % pred: % predicted; AHR: airway hyperresponsiveness. #: in the previous 12 months; : in the previous 3 months; +: provocative dose causing a 20% fall in FEV1 ≤1 mg methacholine.