Table 1– Description of the individuals with asthma in the European Community and Respiratory Health Survey (ECRHS)II and Epidemiological Study on the Genetics and Environment of Asthma (EGEA)2 studies
Subjects n1895641
Age yrs<0.0001
 <40760 (40.1)359 (56.0)
 ≥401135 (59.9)282 (44.0)
 Males780 (41.2)337 (52.6)
 Females1115 (58.8)304 (47.4)
Age at asthma onset yrs<0.0001
 ≤4289 (15.8)189 (31.4)
 4–16558 (30.5)210 (34.9)
 >16982 (53.7)203 (33.7)
Wheezing with breathlessness0.16
 No871 (46.4)312 (48.9)
 Yes1006 (53.6)326 (51.1)
Woken up with feeling of tightness0.25
 No1072 (56.6)344 (53.9)
 Yes822 (43.4)294 (46.1)
Attack of shortness of breath at rest0.69
 No1397 (73.8)478 (75.2)
 Yes496 (26.2)158 (24.8)
Shortness of breath during activity0.0008
 No961 (50.8)280 (44.0)
 Yes931 (49.2)357 (56.0)
Woken up with shortness of breath0.02
 No1409 (74.5)506 (79.7)
 Yes482 (25.5)129 (20.3)
Woken up by attack of coughing0.07
 No1046 (55.3)395 (62.0)
 Yes846 (44.7)242 (38.0)
Chronic cough or phlegm<0.0001
 No1463 (77.5)542 (85.3)
 Yes426 (22.5)93 (14.6)
Asthma symptom score0.29
 0 symptoms452 (24.2)135 (21.5)
 1–2 symptoms750 (40.2)276 (43.9)
 ≥3 symptoms665 (35.6)218 (34.6)
Asthma attack0.0005
 No1061 (55.5)406 (64.0)
 Yes818 (43.5)228 (36.0)
 No1492 (89.8)534 (85.2)
 Yes170 (10.2)93 (14.8)
Asthma treatment+<0.0001
 No asthma treatment691 (44.0)254 (42.2)
 Other than daily ICS611 (38.9)203 (33.7)
 Daily ICS268 (17.1)145 (24.1)
 No807 (42.8)326 (51.3)
 Yes1077 (57.2)309 (48.7)
 No659 (34.9)171 (27.2)
 Yes1230 (65.1)457 (72.8)
 No534 (36.3)110 (20.3)
 Yes939 (63.7)431 (79.7)
IgE IU·mL−1<0.0001
 <100802 (54.4)224 (38.6)
 ≥100673 (45.6)357 (61.4)
FEV1 % pred0.05
 ≥80%1353 (87.0)491 (85.0)
 <80%202 (13.0)87 (15.0)
 No521 (51.5)156 (52.3)
 Yes490 (48.5)142 (47.4)
  • Data are presented as n (%), unless otherwise stated. ICS: inhaled corticosteroids; Ig: immunoglobulin; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 s; % pred: % predicted; AHR: airway hyperresponsiveness. #: adjusted for age and sex, except for age and sex, for which unadjusted p-value are given; : in the previous 12 months; +: in the previous 3 months; §: provocative dose causing a 20% fall in FEV1 ≤1 mg methacholine.