Table 2– Comparison of nasal nitric oxide (nNO) levels (ppb) between primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD),cystic fibrosis (CF) and healthy nonsmoking subjects (HS) in the three sampling methods
BH-nNO908±33 (49)142±42 (45)416±28 (45)<0.0001<0.0001
OE-R-nNO788±41 (30)113±42 (35)412±76 (10)<0.0001<0.01
TB-nNO534±30 (52)86±28 (54)243±39 (17)<0.0001<0.01
  • Data are presented as mean±se (n), unless otherwise stated. BH-nNO: breath hold nNO; OE-R-nNO: oral exhalation against resistance nNO; TB-nNO: tidal breathing nNO. #: PCD versus HC; : PCD versus CF.