Table 2—

Characteristics of contacts that developed tuberculosis(TB) disease during follow-up

ContactSexAge group yrsRegion of birthTime in NL yrsHousehold contactTST first round mmTST second round mmQFT-GIT (IU·mL−1)T-SPOT.TB® (max spot count minus nil)Reactive panel (T-SPOT.TB®)#Time until IGRA testing daysTime to TB+ monthsType of TBCultureCase finding§
1M16–24Asia6Yes15NDNeg. (0.02)Neg. (0)None344ETBPos.##Passive
2M16–24Sub-Saharan Africa5YesND21Pos. (>10)Pos. (>100)AB1374PTBNeg.Active
3F25–34Sub-Saharan Africa9No18NDNDNDND5PTB and ETBPos.##Passive
4F35–44Sub-Saharan Africa3Yes17NDNeg. (-0.24)Pos. (11)B196ETBPos.##Active
5M16–24Other Africa3No10NDNeg. (0.04)Neg. (1)None58PTBPos.##Passive
6F16–24Other Africa9Yes15NDPos. (>10)Pos. (47)AB89PTBNeg.Active
7F≥45South America13Yes25NDPos. (0.88)Pos. (68)B4412PTBNeg.Passive
8M35–44South America15YesND18Pos. (>10)Pos. (>100)AB9213PTBPos.##Active
9F35–44South America14YesNDƒNDƒPos. (>10)Pos. (>100)AB2818PTBPos.##,¶¶Passive
  • NL: the Netherlands; TST: tuberculin skin test; QFT-GIT: QuantiFERON TB® Gold In-tube; IGRA: interferon-γ release assay; M: male; F: female; ND: not done; neg.: negative; pos.: positive; ETB: extrapulmonary TB; PTB: pulmonary TB. #: A refers to ESAT-6 and B to CFP-10; : number of days between diagnosis of the index patient and blood collection for IGRA determination; +: number of months between diagnosis of the index patient and diagnosis of TB of the contact; §: passive case finding refers to cases reported spontaneously, while active case finding refers to cases that were found during a screening visit; ƒ: TST known positive, due to previous TB episode; ##: restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) pattern of isolate was identical to that of the index case; ¶¶: isolate was not identical to the RFLP pattern of that of the previous TB episode of this case. QFT-GIT is manufactured by Cellisis, Carnegie, Australia; T-SPOT.TB® is manufactured by Oxford Immunotec, Abingdon, UK.