Table 4—

Multiple linear regression of the level of three inflammatory markers in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Subjects n404401402
GOLD category
 II (FEV1 50–80)00
 III (FEV1 30–50)-43.73(-90.5–3.1)530.5*(76.9–984.0)
 IV (FEV1 0–30)-91.45*(-167.9– -15.0)536.2(-196.3–1268.8)
Experienced ≥2 exacerbations last year
Chronic cough
Comorbid heart disease#
Medically treated hypertension
Depression needing medical treatment
  • Data are presented as coefficient (95% confidence interval), unless otherwise stated. Due to the skewed distribution of C-reactive protein (CRP), the outcome variable was log transformed, and the geometric mean ratios are shown. The reference values are thus 1 for each category and not 0 as for the other nontransformed markers. All models include adjustment for sex, age, body composition, smoking habits and use of inhaled steroids and/or platelet inhibitors. sTNFR-1: soluble tumour necrosis factor receptor-1; OPG: osteoprotegrin; GOLD: Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 s. #: either known heart failure or coronary heart disease. *: p<0.05.