Table 6—

Prognostic scoring systems in malignant mesothelioma

First author [ref.]Subjects nParameterGood prognostic groupPoor prognostic group
CALGBHerndon 40337Performance statusAgeChest painPlatelet countLDHGood<75 yrsAbsent<400 ×1012·L−1<500 IU·L−1Poor≥75 yrsPresent≥400 ×1012·L−1≥500 IU·L−1
EORTCCurran 41204Performance statusHistological subtypeSexCertainty of diagnosisWBC count0EpitheloidFemaleDefinite<8.3 ×109·L−11–2NonepitheloidMalePossible≥8.3 ×109·L−1
EORTC#van Meerbeeck 42250StageHistologyInterval since diagnosisPlatelet countHaemoglobin differencePainAppetite lossI–IIEpitheloid<50 days<350 ×1012·L−1<1AbsentAbsentIII–IVNonepitheloid≥50 days≥350 ×1012·L−1>1PresentPresent
  • CALGB: Cancer and Leukaemia Group B; EORTC: European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer; LDH: lactate dehydrogenase; WBC: white blood cell. #: performance status 0–1 was an inclusion criterion for this series; : difference between actual value and 16 g·dL−1 and 14 g·dL−1 in males and females, respectively.