Table 5—

Linear regression coefficient analysis with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease severity score total score as a dependent outcome variable#

Regression coefficient (95% CI)p-value
FEV1 % pred−0.024 (−0.040– −0.009)0.002
Number of exacerbations0.946 (0.0793–1.099)<0.001
MRC dyspnoea grade2.703 (2.391–3.016)<0.001
Charlson index0.391 (0.222–0.561)<0.001
Constant4.447 (3.331–5.584)<0.001
  • CI: confidence interval; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in one second; % pred: percentage of the predicted value; MRC: UK Medical Research Council. #: n = 827.