Table 2—

Characteristics of the cold cohort

Subjects n134
Reported colds per subject
 189 (66.4)
 224 (17.9)
 313 (9.7)
 46 (4.5)
 51 (0.7)
 61 (0.7)
PAX cold questionnaire responses#
 Colds per year2.51±1.55
 Severity of previous colds3.05±0.76
 Frequency of cold-induced asthma symptoms+3.64±1.10
 Severity of cold-induced asthma symptoms§3.01±0.87
  • Data are presented as mean±sd or n (%), unless otherwise indicated. PAX: Post-cold Asthma Control and Exacerbation. #: n = 76; : scores can range from 1 (extremely mild) to 6 (extremely severe); +: scores can range from 1 (never) to 5 (always); §: scores can range from 1 (extremely mild) to 6 (extremely severe).