Table 5—

Pooled summary estimates for rifampicin resistance

SubgroupPooled sensitivityPooled specificityPooled LR+Pooled LR-Pooled DOR
All rifampicin studies#98.1 (95.9–99.1)98.7 (97.3–99.4)78.0 (36.3–168.0)0.02 (0.01–0.04)4010.1 (1205.9–13335.2)
Only MTBDRplus assays98.4 (95.1–99.5)98.9 (96.8–99.7)95.3 (30.7–296.0)0.02 (0.005–0.05)6150.7 (1061.8–35628.9)
Only clinical specimens+98.6 (95.5–99.6)98.5 (96.9–99.3)66.3 (31.9–138.0)0.01 (0.004–0.04)4659.3 (1064.6–20391.3)
  • Data are presented as % (confidence interval). MTBDRplus is manufactured by Hain LifeScience GmbH (Nehren, Germany). LR+: positive likelihood ratio; LR-: negative likelihood ratio; DOR: diagnostic odds ratio. #: number of comparisons was 14; : number of comparisons was 4; +: number of comparisons was 9.