Table 1—

Procedures applied to detect desmosines in real samples

Method of analysisAdvantagesDisadvantagesLimit of detection M
Amino acid analysisReliable, simple, not very expensiveLaborious and time-consuming; low to medium sensitivity10−5–10−4
ELISARapid and sensitive; applicable on tissues and physiological fluidsUse of antisera mainly directed against DES conjugates; partial cross-reactivity with IDES10−8–10−6
RIAGood sensitivity; applicable on tissues and physiological fluidsUse of radioactive material; partial cross-reactivity with other amino acids10−7–10−6
HPLC isotope dilutionGood resolution and sensitivity; simultaneous detection of several cross-linksLaborious pretreatment procedures; use of radioactive material10−5
ElectrophoresisPossibility of obtaining “fingerprints” of elastin digestLow resolution of one-dimensional, better resolution of two-dimensional electrophoresis, but applying laborious pretreatment procedures10−5–10−4
CE-UVGood resolutionLaborious pretreatment concentration of samples10−5
CE-LIFExcellent resolution and sensitivity; all analyses may be performed on biological matrix without pretreatmentNeed sample derivatisation with a fluorescent dye10−8
MS; HPLC-MSGood resolution and sensitivity; simultaneous detection of several cross-linksLaborious pretreatment procedures10−9–10−8
  • RIA: radioimmunoassay; CE: capillary electrophoresis; UV: ultraviolet; LIF: laser-induced fluorescence; MS: mass spectrometry; DES: desmosine; IDES: isodesmosine.