Table 3—

Hospitalisation rates and total winter excess hospitalisation among children associated with influenza virus and respiratory syncytial virus(RSV)

Weekly incidence per 100000 populationTotal winter excess per 100000 population#
Period of influenza virus predominancePeriod of RSV predominanceSummer baseline periodPeri-seasonal baseline periodInfluenza virusRSV
versus summer baseline periodversus peri-seasonal baseline periodversus summer baseline periodversus peri-seasonal baseline period
 0–1 yr28.428.817.124.394.5 (87.3–101.6)34.2 (26.6–41.7)90.6 (83.7–97.4)34.7 (27.4–41.8)
 2–4 yrs21.517.014.017.961.8 (56.7–67.0)30.1 (24.8–35.5)22.4 (17.9–27.0)None
 5–17 yrs6. (10.7–13.5)5.5 (4.1–7.0)3.7 (2.4–4.9)None
LTRIs and PDs
 0–1 yr31. (135.4–149.9)13.0 (4.9–20.9)608.2 (596.7–619.7)487.8 (475.9–499.7)
 2–4 yrs9.611. (16.4–23.3)3.8 (0.2–7.5)34.6 (31.0–38.2)19.7 (16.0–23.5)
 5–17 yrs2. (1.7–3.2)None1.8 (1.1–2.5)None
 0–1 yr17.112.713.013.334.1 (28.5–39.8)31.9 (26.2–37.6)NoneNone
 2–4 yrs5. (20.9–26.6)16.0 (13.1–18.9)7.6 (5.5–9.9)0.9 (-1.5–3.2)+
 5–17 yrs1. (2.0–3.1)2.5 (1.9–3.1)0.5 (0.0–0.9)0.4 (-0.1–0.9)+
  • Data are presented as mean (95% confidence interval), unless otherwise stated. URTI: upper respiratory tract infection; LRTI: lower respiratory tract infection; PD: pulmonary disease. #: total winter excess was calculated as the difference between rates during virus active periods and reference periods multiplied by the average number of virus active weeks per winter, i.e. 8.3 weeks for influenza virus and 7.7 weeks for RSV; : no nonsignificant excess; +: nonsignificant excesses.