Table 1—

Alveolar concentration of exhaled nitric oxide(CA,NO) and conducting airway flux of nitric oxide (Jaw,NO) from systemic sclerosis patients (SSc) and healthy volunteers

Subjects n5819
Age yrs53.5 (45–60)42.7 (28.1–50.4)0.01
Smoker n100
Duration of disease yrs5.5 (3.0–10.4)
Modified Rodnan skin score8 (4–13)
Jaw,NO nL·min−16.3 (−9.8–31.3)35.5 (25.8–54.9)<0, 001
CA,NO ppb6.2 (3.8–9.9)2.0 (1.2–3.0)<0.001
R20.95 (0.92–0.98)0.96 (0.95–0.98)ns
FeNO50 ppb10.1 (5.9–17.8)13.1 (11.6–19.6)ns
TLC % pred92 (77–105)
FVC % pred90 (75–104)
FEV1 % pred88 (74–101)
Pa,O2 mmHg85 (80–98)
DL,CO % pred61 (46–71)
DL,CO/AV % pred74 (64–85)
sPAP mmHg31 (26–36)
sPAP ≥40 mmHg8
  • Data are presented as median (1st–3rd quartile), unless otherwise stated. R2: relationship between the elimination rate of nitric oxide (NO) and exhalation flow rate; FeNO50: fractional exhaled NO concentrationat 50 mL·s−1 constant flow rate; TLC: total lung capacity; % pred: % predicted; FVC: forced vital capacity; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in one second; Pa,O2: arterial oxygen tension; DL,CO: diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide; AV: alveolar volume; sPAP: systolic pulmonary artery pressure; ns: nonsignificant. 1 mmHg = 0.133 kPa.