Table 2—

Fruit consumption by age, sex, ethnicity and parents' educational status

Baseline characteristicsFruit consumed
Fresh appleApple juiceBanana
Subjects nFS per day %Subjects nJS per day %Subjects nFS per day %
 Male1239317 (25.6)1215263 (21.7)1232217 (17.6)
 Female1328351 (26.4)1305287 (22.0)1313217 (16.5)
Ethnic group
 White British1439349 (24.3)131571 (5.4)1434185 (12.9)
 Other British34490 (26.2)31042 (13.6)33966 (19.5)
 Other639187 (29.3)59252 (8.8)628146 (23.3)
Parents' educational status
 Less than A level1300315 (24.2)1277214 (16.8)1295200 (15.4)
 A level and above1267353 (27.9)1248337 (27.0)1250234 (18.7)
Age group yrs
 5–625864 (24.8)23911 (4.6)25741 (16.0)
 7657170 (25.9)59756 (9.4)647116 (18.0)
 8659160 (24.3)60347 (7.8)652106 (16.3)
 9600173 (28.8)54638 (7.0)597104 (17.4)
 10–1137494 (25.1)34635 (10.1)37361 (16.4)
  • Data are presented as n (%), unless otherwise stated. FS: fruit serving; JS: juice serving. The daily fruit and juice serving represent the proportions of children having at least one fruit or juice serving a day, respectively. #: calculated using Pearson Chi-squared tests.