Table 1—

Description of units engaged in new entrant screening

Norway 1Norway 2Norway 3UK 1UK 2The NetherlandsSwitzerland
When established19961998Since the 1960s1992
Where situatedAttached to the only transit campHospital chest clinicMHSHospital chest clinicHospital chest clinicMHSRefugee camp (registration centre at the border)
PurposeScreening refugeesScreening for family reunions and for those missed in general processesScreening for family reunionsHigh incidence of TB in new entrantsHigh incidence of TB in new entrantsScreening of new entrants from countries with high TB prevalenceRefugee national programme
Numbers invited per yr#Practically identical to those attending1953 in 20021263068857NA15000–25000
Attendees n·yr−1#155001553 in 2002123640732Total visits to TB department in 2002:All immigrants applying for
immigration 39000;asylum
asylum seekers 9000; MHS 500; asylum seeker centres 850+
Staff wteFive centres, each with 3–6 nurses
Estimated funding \#8364;NANANA50000No additional dedicated funding§ for screening providedNA (funding includes all costs)NA
Staff per 1000 screenedNANANA1.9NANANA
Cost per person screened \#8364;NANANA78NANA250 (including immunisation)
TB cases identified yr−127 in 2002NANA70.772002 TB cases in new immigrants 10 Active case finding 7##100 to 140
39 in 2003Incidence 185/<1?show=[sr]?>100000 (6/3239 new immigrants)
23 in first 9 months of 2004
Cost to treat one TB case \#8364;NANANA5250NANANA
Potential savings \#8364;NANANA73500NANANA
  • MHS: Municipal Health Service; TB: tuberculosis; NA: not available; wte: whole time equivalent. #: results refer to 2003 unless stated otherwise; ##: six were identified at first screening; +: with a mobile radiography unit; ƒ: for all activities including registration, contact investigation, etc.; : assuming one patient identified by screening prevents three associated cases; §: dedicated funding; others are funded as part of an overall TB budget.