Table. 1—

Anthropometric and clinical characteristics of the subjects

Subjects n212
Male:female125 (59):87 (41)
Age yrs38.8±10.7
Atopy +ve:−ve:unknown125 (59):84 (40):3 (1)
Smoking S:ES:NS46 (22):67 (32):99 (47)
Duration of exposure at work yrs11.9±10.0
Interval between onset of exposure and onset of symptoms yrs8.6±9.2
Interval between onset of symptoms and questionnaire yrs4.1±4.8
Interval between last exposure at work and questionnaire yrs0.7±1.2
FEV1 % pred92.8±15.4
 Values <80% pred41 (19)
PC20 mg·mL−1
 Values ≤16 mg·mL−1157 (74)
Confirmed diagnosis of OA72 (34)
No OA and PC20 ≤16 mg·mL−190 (42)
Molecular weight of the suspected agents high:low-molecular-weight agent71 (33)/141 (66)
Molecular weight of the causal agents high:low-molecular-weight agent40 (56)/32 (44)
Nature of causal agents72
 Flour and cereals17 (24)
 Latex15 (21)
 Isocyanates11 (15)
 Various chemicals9 (12)
 Wood dusts7 (10)
 Laboratory animals4 (5)
 Persulfate3 (4)
 Resins and glues2 (3)
 Various proteins2 (3)
 Metals2 (3)
  • Data are presented as n (%) or mean±sd. +ve: positive; −ve: negative; S: smoker; ES: ex-smoker; NS: nonsmoker; FEV1 % pred; forced expiratory volume in one second of per cent predicted; PC20: provocative concentration causing a 20% fall in FEV1; OA: occupational asthma.