Table 4—

Estimates of yrs lived with disability(YLDs), yrs of life lost (YLLs) and disability-adjusted life yrs (DALYs) due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease by region, 2000

YLD·100000 males−1YLD·100000 females−1YLL·100000 males−1YLL·100000 females−1Total YLD thousandsTotal YLL thousandsTotal DALYs thousands
AFR D49.811.2152.9136.1102482584
AFR E47.111.5167.5131.999505603
AMR A340.7270.3216.7202.29446481592
AMR B179.0209.5134.592.98605021362
AMR D159.495.473.690.29158149
EMR B283.657.460.244.124473317
EMR D123.158.6105.9100.3126142268
EUR A265.0298.9198.6104.711606191779
EUR B140.9175.340.927.834374418
EUR C197.2265.6390.4132.35746221196
SEAR B209.8171.3185.4118.67526001351
SEAR D123.3123.0397.3353.7166050736733
WPR A113.592.577.934.115483237
WPR B236.295.4407.8493.8252467779628
  • A: very low child and adult mortality; B: low child and adult mortality; C: low child mortality and high adult mortality; D: high child and adult mortality; E: high child mortality and very high adult mortality; AFR: Africa; AMR: Americas; EMR: Eastern Mediterranean; EUR: Europe; SEAR: South-East Asia; WPR: Western Pacific.