Table 2—

Estimated differences in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease regional prevalence according to definition used for age groups≥30 yrs

RegionPrevalence %
SymptomsPhysician diagnosisSpirometry
AFR D1–3
AMR A5–151–32–5
AMR B5–13
EMR B2–101–2
EUR A10–202–53–7
EUR B10–20
WPR A10–152–5
WPR B2–81–3
  • Regions without prevalence studies have been omitted. A: very low child and adult mortality; B: low child and adult mortality; D: high child and adult mortality; AFR: Africa; AMR: Americas; EMR: Eastern Mediterranean; EUR: Europe; SEAR: South-East Asia; WPR: Western Pacific. See Supplementary material on website for information regarding the source of these data.