Table. 1—

Demographic data of participating subjects at the last follow-up survey

Cotton workersSilk workers
Subjects n346342
Age yrs56.3±10.255.9±10.2
Male155 (44.8)146 (42.7)
Height cm164.1±7.4163.4±7.4
Smokers119 (34.4)103 (30.1)
Years worked25.5±7.828.6±9.4
Retirement331 (95.7)332 (97.1)
Years since retired8.1±4.87.8±3.8
Dust exposure mg·m−3·yr18.91±12.87
Endotoxin exposure EU·m−3·yr49122.60±45283.68
Pulmonary function
 FEV1 L2.31±0.642.36±0.59
 FVC L2.95±0.772.94±0.74
Respiratory symptoms
 Chest tightness20 (5.8)2 (0.6)
 Chronic bronchitis32 (9.3)26 (7.6)
 Chronic cough35 (10.1)24 (7.0)
 Dyspnoea48 (13.9)79 (23.1)
  • Data are presented as mean±sd and n (%), unless otherwise stated. FEV1: forced expiratory volume in one second; FVC: forced vital capacity. #: calculated among ever-smokers only; : reaching ≥2 on a scale of 1–5, where 1 = no dyspnoea, 2 = having to walk slower than a person of the same age at an ordinary pace on level ground because of breathlessness, and 5 = dyspnoea at rest.