Table. 1—

Transition rates between smoking classes for the general and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD) population and transition rates between COPD severity stages for 2000

Smoking transition rates#
 General population0.8+3.6§6.5ƒ
 COPD patients0+4.7§2.6ƒ
Severity stage transition rates
 Mild-to-moderate COPD1.8##2.5¶¶2.1++
 Moderate-to-severe COPD3.0##3.7¶¶3.4++
 Severe-to-very severe COPD2.6##3.1¶¶3.0++
  • Data are presented as %, unless otherwise stated. #: mean currently observed smoking transition rates over all sex and age classes; : proportion of COPD patients transitioning to another severity stage associated with yearly decline in lung function; +: start; §: quit; ƒ: restart; ##: nonsmoker; ¶¶: smoker; ++: ex-smoker.