Table. 3—

Hospitalisation rate and length of hospital stay 1 yr prior to and 1 yr after enrolment in all patients participating in the study

All no PRPR
Total/COPD yrPre0.56±1.070.49±0.91
Post0.42±1.210.26±00.79#, ¶
Total COPD LOS daysPre3.71±6.71.81±4.8#
  • Data presented as mean±sd. PR: pulmonary rehabilitation; COPD: admissions due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbations; LOS: length of hospital stay. #: p<0.005 PR compared with no PR by t-test for independent variables; : p<0.001 post-rehabilitation compared with pre-rehabilitation by t-test for paired observations.