Table. 1—

Baseline clinical characteristics of the patients according to their participation in pulmonary rehabilitation (PR)

No PRAll PRp-value
Patients n130116
Age yrs69.5±8.769.5±7.70.79
FEV1 L0.93±0.291.05±0.30.21
FEV1 % Pred29.9±9.133.3±8.60.03
MMRC dyspnoea scale3.15±0.762.65±0.63<0.0001
6MWD m229.3±113343.1±100<0.0001
BMI kg·m−224.5±5.826.8±5.50.005
BODE index6.94±1.975.07±1.5<0.0001
Charlson index5±2.134.53±1.930.06
Chronic O2 use %61.850<0.001
Chronic steroid use %16.77.7<0.01
Pa,O2 mmHg68.4±1171±110.10
Pa,CO2 mmHg42.7±7.840.9±6.60.12
O2 saturation with exercise87.2±689.7±4.80.02
Chronic bronchitis %53590.12
Current tobacco use at entry %29.7270.001
Smoking Hx Packs·yr−193.7±5391.3±430.24
  • Data presented as mean±sd, unless otherwise stated. FEV1: forced expiratory volume in one second; % pred: percentage of predicted; MMRC: Modified Medical Research Council; 6MWD: 6-minute walk distance; BMI: body mass index; Pa,O2: arterial oxygen tension; Pa,CO2: carbon dioxide arterial tension; Hx: history.