Table. 8—

List of parameters#

ID (patient identification)
Patient name
Data type (SP followed by E = expiratory or I = Inspiratory, followed by S = single or B = best curve)
Barometric pressure (mmHg)
Temperature (°C) used in BTPS calculation
Relative humidity (%)
FVC quality attribute (A, B, C, D or F)
FEV1 quality attribute (A, B, C, D or F)
Effort attribute (A, B, C, D or F)
Interpretation code (see ATS interpretation scheme)
Deleted manoeuvre (Y or N)
Acceptable manoeuvre (Y or N)
Technician quality control code (A, B, C, D or F)
Computer quality code (A, B, C, D or F)
Plateau achieved (Y or N)
Review (N or R for “needs review” or “was reviewed”)
Date of review (DD/MM/YYYY)
Reviewer initials
BTPS factor (
Spirometer manufacturer
Spirometer model
Spirometer serial number
Spirometer type
Testing facility name
Zip/post code
Phone number
Calibration date (DD/MM/YYYY)
Calibration time (HH:MM)
Calibration result (P or F for “passed” or “failed”)
Time (HH:MM)
Technician ID (technician identification code or initials)
Manoeuvre number
Age (integer years)
Height (cm)
Weight (kg)
Sex (M or F)
Race (2-character race code)
Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
Reference values source (first author surname and date of publication, e.g. “Knudson 1983”)
Reference values correction factor (x.xx, 1.00 for no correction)
Testing position (standing, sitting or supine)
Test type (pre-, post-, bronchodilator, methacholine concentration or dose)
FVC (mL)
Extrapolated volume (mL)
FEV1 (mL)
FEV6 (mL)
PEF (mL·s−1)
FEF25–75% (mL·s−1)
VC (mL)
Forced expiratory time (s)
Time to PEF (ms)
Predicted FVC (mL)
Predicted FEV1 (mL)
Predicted FEV6 (mL)
Predicted FEV1/FVC% (xxx.x%)
Predicted FEV1/FEV6% (xxx.x%)
Comments text
Original sampling interval (ms)
Blank 1 or FEF25%
Blank 2 or FEF50%
Blank 3 or FEF75%
Blank 4 or FEF90%
Blank 5
Blank 6
Blank 7
Blank 8
Blank 9
Blank 10
Number of data points
Flow data points (mL·s−1; variable number contained in number of data points)
Carriage return
Line feed
  • #: All text type variables should be enclosed with double quotes (“) to prevent confusion with control or data separator type characteristics.