Table. 1—

1 Age, lung function and bronchial responsiveness to methacholine and sodium metabisulphite(SMBS) in the patient and nine control subjects

Subject No.Age yrsSexFEV1# % predFVC# % predPD20 µgΔFEV1%
 SMBS challenge 1100.3108.516−33.3
 SMBS challenge 296.6107.3ND−25.4
  • FEV1: forced expiratory volume in one second; % pred: % predicted; FVC: forced vital capacity; PD20: provocative dose of methacholine causing a 20% fall in FEV1; Δ FEV1 %: percentage change in FEV1 from baseline with SMBS; F: female; M: male; ND: not determined. #: baseline value on SMBS challenge day.