Table 1—

Patients' characteristics

Total groupfBaselineAfter 2 months SCAfter 6 months SCAfter 12 months SC
Quitters n15151515
Age yrs55 (46–67)55.6 (46–63)
Sex M/F20/139/69/69/69/6
Pack yrs35 (15–66)34 (15–66)
Cigarettes·day−121.9 (10–40)20.6 (10–40)
FEV1 % pred71 (28–114)75 (36–114)77 (42–115)
FEV1/VC %55.4 (25–76)57.3 (25–76)58.6 (33–84)
sGaw 1·kPa−1·s−10.68 (0.2–1.8)0.74 (0.2–1.8)0.66 (0.28–3.43)
PC20 AMP mg·mL−134.3 (0.02–640)44 (4.44–640)176 (1.04–640)+
PC20 Mch mg·mL−12.5 (0.018–78.2)2.57 (0.15–78.2)8.1 (0.09–78.2)+
 Cell concentration 103·mL-11507 (480–9620)1160 (480–9620)2990 (32–13873)3022 (206–11577)3314 (16–12290)+
  103·mL−117 (0–130)18 (0–106)7 (0–111)#5 (0–150)11 (0–140)
  %1.5 (0–4.1)1.5 (0–4.0)0.7 (0–2.6)#0.5 (0–2.6)0.2 (2–3.6)+
  103·mL−1870 (240–7610)756 (235–7608)2763 (23–9079)1232 (120–8856)2879 (120–11040)+
  %67.3 (39.1–87.3)73.8 (45–86)77.8 (38–97)68.3 (35.5–93)78.7 (31.6–89.8)§
  103·mL−1426 (90–2610)407 (90–2615)462 (8–8268)807 (9–2373)778 (216–2940)
  %28.4 (9.9–58.4)24.2 (11.8–52.7)20.1 (2.2–59.6)28 (4.3–61.6)19.2 (7.9–60.7)+
  103·mL−115 (0–220)10 (0–77)10 (0–111)36 (5–150)26 (5–160)
  %0.8 (0.1–4.6)0.8 (0.1–1.1)0.8 (0.1–1.31.3 (0.5–2.6)0.8 (0.1–3.0)
 Epithelial cells
  103·mL−18 (0–110)7 (0–60)0.2 (0–83)34 (0–751)22 (0–98)+
  %0.5 (0–11)0.3 (0–2.1)0.1 (0–0.8)#0.8 (0–13.3)0.55 (0–6)
  • Data are presented as n and median (range), except for age, forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) and FEV1/vital capacity (VC) in mean (range), and for provocative concentration causing a 20% fall in FEV1 (PC20) of adenosine-5'-monophosphate (AMP) and PC20 of methacholine (Mch) in geometric mean (range)

  • M: male

  • F: female

  • sGaw: airway conductance

  • SC: smoking cessation

  • #: p<0.05 before SC versus 2 months after SC

  • :p<0.05 before SC versus 6 months after SC

  • +: p<0.05 before SC versus 12 months after SC

  • §: p=0.056 before SC versus after 12 months SC

  • f: n=33