Table 3

Parameter estimates from generalised estimation equation models# for semi-annual ozone (O3) means, divided in classes (pooled analysis for seasons)

Increase in:Parameter estimates for increase (mL·100 days−1) for semi-annual O3 means compared to “46–54 ppb” (summer) or to “28–36 ppb” (winter)
FVC summer
 22–<30 ppb19.2 (10.6–27.8)
 30–<38 ppb15.5 (7.0–24.0)
 38–<46 ppb19.2 (11.1–27.3)
FEV1 summer
 22–<30 ppb18.5 (9.8–27.1)
 30–<38 ppb11.6 (3.2–20.1)
 38–<46 ppb16.8 (8.5–25.0)
FVC winter
 4–<12 ppb−16.4 (−24.6–−8.3)
 12–<20 ppb−15.0 (−21.6–−8.4)
 20–<28 ppb−11.8 (−18.4–−5.3)
FEV1 winter
 4–<12 ppb−10.9 (−19.7–−2.1)
 12–<20 ppb−11.2 (−18.5–−3.9)
 20–<28 ppb−9.9 (−17.4–−2.4)
  • Data are presented as parameter estimate (95% confidence intervals)

  • FVC: forced vital capacity

  • FEV1: forced expiratory volume in one second

  • ppb: parts per billion

  • #: Adjusted for sex, age and height at start of the time period, passive smoke exposure, time period, short-term O3 exposure at start and end of time period