Table 1—

Subject characteristics according to asthma control

Poorly controlled asthmaControlled asthma
Subjects n1916
Asthma symptoms days·last week−17 (4.75–7)***0 (0–1)
Night waking due to asthma nights·last week−15 (3.75–7)***0 (0–0)
Short-acting β-agonist use occasions·day−14 (2–5.50)***0 (0–0.50)
Diurnal variability of PEF %25 (22.75–26.50)***5 (5–5.50)
FEV1 % pred77 (63–83)89.50 (69–101.75)
  • Results are expressed as median (25–75th percentiles) unless otherwise stated

  • PEF: peak expiratory flow

  • FEV1: forced expiratory volume in one second

  • ***: p<0.001