Table 1—

Comparison of the cross-sectional (n=1,942) and longitudinal (n=952) populations with chest radiographs

Cross-sectional survey ILongitudinal cohort
Age yrs4238
Duration of employment months178.0162.2
% Females6.96.5
% Smokers50.651.2
% Exsmokers27.025.9
Current inhalable mg·m−31.61.6
Cumulative inhalable mg·month·m−3299.1279.0
Small opacities#12.510.4
Cough %17.815.1
Sputum %17.217.2
Cough with sputum %10.19.2
Dyspnoea 2+3.41.9
Breathlessness with wheezing3.43.2
Chronic bronchitis4.94.5
FVC % pred108.8110.9
FEV1 % pred104.1105.9
FEF25–75 % pred85.687.3
FEV1:FVC % pred91.491.8
  • FVC: forced vital capacity

  • FEV1: forced expiratory volume in one second

  • FEF25–75: forced midexpiratory flow

  • #: prevalence of small opacities (International Labour Organisation category ≥1/0) given here is based upon the original survey readings