Table 4—

Summarized design and outcomes of type 4 growth studies (i.e. ‘real life’ studies)

First author [ref. no.]Treatment groups and number of patientsDuration of growth assessmentSeverity of asthmaAge and sexual maturity of patients at baselinePermitted therapy (other than study treatment)Frequency and specified protocol for stadiometryStatistical analysis for growthMain study outcome
Agertoft 5BUD 110–877 µg·day−1 (n=142); no steroids (n=18); healthy controls (n=51)3–13 yrs (prospective, until attainment of final height) (run in period of 1–2 yrs)No requirement for continuous inhaled CS3–13 yrsAs-needed β-agonists, oral CS≤2 weeks·yr−1 (BUD group only)Every 6 months, same three observers throughoutMeasured adult height minus calculated target height; paired t-testFinal height. Actual minus target final heights: BUD, +0.3 cm, 95% CL −0.6, 1.2; no steroids, −0.2 cm, 95% CL −2.4, 2.1; healthy controls +0.9 cm, 95% CL −0.4, 2.2. significant reductions in GV (1.0 and 0.6 cm·yr−1) with BUD during 1st and 2nd years compared with run-in
Inoue 24BDP 100–800 µg·day−1 initiated either before pubertal growth (n=32) or after (n=29); nonsteroidal therapy (n=36)8–10 yrs (retrospective)Moderate-severe10–12 yrsOral CSAnnualYearly mean height SDS values at ages 10–20 (final height); unpaired t-testFinal height. No significant intergroup differences in height SDS (boys or girls). Evidence of delayed pubertal growth in all three groups
Larsson 25Inhaled or oral CS (n=113); no steroids (n=82); healthy controls (n=151)Adult height measurement only (duration of asthma therapy ≤12 yrs)Not specifiedNot applicable; height measured at age 23 (mean)Not specifiedNot specifiedMeasured adult height (men and women analysed separately)Final height. No significant intergroup differences in final height (men or women)
Silverstein 23Inhaled and/or oral CS (n=58); no CS (n=95); healthy controls (n=153)Adult height measurement only (mean time from first to last CS exposure=7.3 yrs)Not specifiedNot applicable (height measured at mean age of 25.7 yrs)Oral CSNot specifiedRelationship between final height (adjusted for midparental height) and CS exposure; ANCOVA.Final height. CS group=1.2 cm shorter than no CS (95% CL −3.1 0.6). No significant difference between patients with asthma and controls
Van Bever 26Inhaled CS (n=42); Nonsteroidal therapy (n=43)Adult height measurement only (mean age at first CS exposure=13.3 yrs)Not specifiedNot applicable (height measured at mean ages of 23.6 yrs (inhaled CS) and 22.1 yrs (nonsteroid)Oral CSOne observer throughoutFinal height minus calculated target height; nonpaired t-test and ANOVAFinal height. Adult minus target height: inhaled CS −0.003±5.9 cm; no CS, 2.54±4.8 cm; p-0.0 No significant intergroup difference in adult height SDS
Agertoft 27BUD ≤800 µg·day−1 (n=216); no steroids (n=62)2–6 yrs (prospective) (run-in period) or 1–3 yrs)Mild-moderate3–11 yrsAs-needed β-agonists, oral CS≤2 weeks·yr−1 (BUD group only)Every 6 months, same two observers throughoutGV calculated by linear regression. Measured height converted to SDS for intergroup comparisonNo significant difference in GV between BUD (5.48 cm·yr−1; 95 CL: 5.31, 5.65) and control (5.62 cm·yr−1; 95% CL: 5.07, 6.17).
Childhood Asthma Management Program Research Group 29BUD 400 µg·day−1 (n=280); nedocromil 16 mg·day−1 (n=271); PBO (n=379) (all doses reduced to zero if asthma well controlled)4.3 yrs (prospective)Mild-moderate5–12 yrsOral CS; addition of BDP 336 µg·day−1 as neededEvery 2 months for the first 4 months, and every 4 months thereafterMultiple regression, with covariates for age, sex, race, clinic, duration of asthma and skin-test reactivityChange in height from baseline Significantly smaller increase in height with BUD versus PBO (22.7 versus 23.8 cm, p=0.005), due to lower GV during the first yr (GVs were similar thereafter)
Skoner 28TAA 600 µg·day−1 mean (n=119); nonsteroidal therapy (n=12)12 months (prospective)Moderate6–11 yrsNot specifiedNot specifiedNot specifiedGV significantly lower with TAA versus no CS therapy (5.3 versus 6.1 cm·yr−1, p<0.001)
Skoner 30#BUD 500–1000 µg·day−1 (n=371); “Conventional asthma therapy: (n=156) (all doses reduced to zero if asthma well controlled)12 months (3 studies) (prospective)Mild1–9 yrsAs-needed β-agonists, oral CSWeek 4 and every 8 weeks thereafterChanges in height SDS (general linear model); GV (linear regression); inter-group differences (general linear model)No significant intergroup differences for pooled data. In of the three studies, GV was significantly reduced in the BUD group (−0.8 cm·yr−1, p=0.002)
  • BUD: budesonide

  • BDP: beclomethasome dipropionate

  • CS: corticosteroid

  • PBO: placebo

  • TAA: triamcinolone acetonide

  • SDS: standard deviation score

  • ANCOVA: analysis of covariance

  • ANOVA: analysis of variance

  • GV: growth velocity

  • CL: confidence limits

  • Inclusion criteria for height and growth velocity were not specified for any of the studies. The population used for the growth analysis was unspecified in all but 2 studies (Agertoft et al. 5 and Skoner et al. 29; per protocol for both)

  • #: also published as a full paper on 1999 31