Summary of observational studies that used IPCs for trapped lung

AuthorYear of publicationTotal subjectsSubjects with trapped lungSubjects reporting symptomatic improvement
Time IPC in situ daysMedian survival daysPleurodesis rate %ComplicationsOther outcomes/comments
Warren [51]20082312810043.3NR54Infection (mainly cellulitis) 5
Catheter blockage 11
Skin reaction to dressing 1
Combined results for all patients undergoing IPC insertion
Bazerbashi [55]2009125NRNR8784.176Wound infection 7
Peri-catheter leak 2
Catheter blockage 2
Catheter displacement 2
Tumour seeding 1
Combined results for patients with trapped lung and previous failed pleurodesis
Ohm [81]20034134NRNRNRNRNRLength of stay <2 days in 56%
Pien [80]20011111100115NRNRCellulitis 2
Pleural infection 2
Catheter occlusion 1
Qureshi [82]20081275294.293.812642.3Surgical emphysema 2
Catheter blockage 2
Cellulitis 2
Fluid loculation 2
van den Toorn [83]2005171710063NRNRPleural Infection 1
Cellulitis 1
Catheter displacement 3
Hyponatraemia 1
Efthymiou [85]2009484848NRNRNRPeri-catheter leakage 13%
Occlusion 4%
Catheter displacement 4%
65% moderately or very satisfied with mobility improvement
Sioris [91]200951NRNR1209121Early complications 4
Pleural infection 3
Catheter displacement 1
Catheter blockage 2
Cellulitis 1
Combined results for patients with trapped lung, patients with high volume effusions and patients unsuitable for general anaesthetic
Burgers [84]200625NR100NR7024Empyema 3
Haemoptysis 1

Data presented as n, unless otherwise indicated. IPC: indwelling pleural catheters; NR: not reported.