Core documents consulted for this update

DocumentType of publicationYearWere systematic reviews conducted?Was the GRADE approach applied?Other relevant information
1WHO definitions and reporting framework for TB [23]Policy document2013NoNoDeveloped through a consultation process
2ISTC (third edition) [10]Standards of care2014NoNoBuilds upon existing WHO guidelines and policy statements
3WHO TB elimination framework for low-incidence countries [20]Policy document2014NoNoDeveloped through revision of existing WHO policy documents and guidelines, and expert opinion consultation
4WHO policy framework for implementation of TB diagnostics [24]Policy document2015NoYes
5ATS/CDC/IDSA guidelines for TB diagnosis [25]Clinical guideline2017NoYesA comprehensive but non-systematic literature review was conducted to synthesise the evidence
6ATS/IDSA/CDC guidelines for treatment of drug-susceptible TB [26, 27]Clinical guideline2016YesYes
7WHO treatment guidelines for drug-resistant TB [28, 29]Clinical guideline2016YesYes
8WHO treatment guidelines for drug-susceptible TB [30]Clinical guideline2017YesYes
9WHO guidelines on the management of latent TB infection [31, 32]Clinical guideline2015YesYes
10WHO compendium of guidelines and associated standards [12]Policy document2017NoYesThe document consolidates WHO policy recommendations and outlines WHO's standards for patient-centred care

GRADE: Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation; WHO: World Health Organization; TB: tuberculosis; ISTC: International Standards for Tuberculosis Care; ATS: American Thoracic Society; CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; IDSA: Infectious Diseases Society of America.