Equipment specifications and performance standards

DLCO SystemSpecification
Rapid gas analyser systems
Analyser specification
 0–90% response time (see figure 2)≤150 ms
 Maximum nonlinearity±1% of full scale
 AccuracyWithin ±1% of full scale
 Interference from 5% carbon dioxide or 5% water vapour≤10 ppm error in [CO]
 Drift for carbon monoxide≤10 ppm over 30 s
 Drift for tracer gas≤0.5% of full scale over 30 s
Flow accuracyWithin ±2% over the range of −10 to +10 L·s−1
Volume accuracy (3-L syringe check)Within ±75 mL
Barometric pressure sensor accuracyWithin ±2.5%
Ability to perform a QA check (3-L syringe; ATP mode; inhaling ∼2 L test gas)Calculate total volume (VA) of 3±0.3 L and DLCO of <0.5 mL·min−1·mmHg−1 or <0.166 mmol·min−1·kPa−1
Sample and store data with adequate resolutionDigitise at ≥100 Hz per channel with ≥14 bit resolutionDigitise at 1000 Hz
Monitor and report end-expiratory tracer gas and carbon monoxide concentrations (alert operator if washout is incomplete)Implemented#
Compensate for end-expiratory gas concentrations prior to test gas inhalation in the calculation of VA and DLCOImplemented#
Ensure proper alignment of gas concentration signals and the flow signalImplemented#
Measure anatomic dead-space using the Fowler method (see figure 6)Implemented#
Display a graph of gas concentration versus expired volume to confirm the point of dead-space washout and report the amount of manual adjustment if done (see figure 4)Implemented#
Measure VA using all of the tracer gas data from the entire manoeuvre in the mass balance equationImplemented#
Report the DLCO adjusted for the change in PAO2 due to barometric pressureImplemented#
Ability to input simulated digital test data and compute DLCO, VA, TLC, VDCalculate values within 2% of actual values
Report the DLCO adjusted for the change in PAO2 due to PACO2, if the carbon dioxide concentration signal is availableImplemented#
Classical discrete sample systems
Analyser specification
 Maximum nonlinearity±1% of full scale
 AccuracyWithin ±1% of full scale
 Interference from 5% carbon dioxide or 5% water vapour≤10 ppm error in [CO]
 Drift for carbon monoxide≤10 ppm over 30 s
 Drift for tracer gas≤0.5% of full scale over 30 s
Flow accuracyWithin ±2% over the range of −10 to +10 L·s−1
Volume accuracy (3-L syringe check)Within ±75 mL
Ability to perform a QA check (3-L syringe; ATP mode; inhaling ∼2 L test gas)Calculate total volume (VA) of 3±0.3 L and DLCO of <0.5 mL·min−1·mmHg−1 or <0.166 mmol·min−1·kPa−1
  • DLCO: diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide; [CO]: carbon monoxide concentration; QA: quality assurance; ATP: ambient temperature, pressure and humidity; VA: alveolar volume; PAO2: alveolar oxygen tension; PACO2: alveolar carbon dioxide tension; TLC: total lung capacity; VD: dead-space volume. #: Implemented means that the manufacturer has implemented the designated functionality in the DLCO system.