Correlations between Multidimensional Dyspnea Profile immediate# perception domain (S) and emotional response domain (A2) scores and measures of handicap and quality of life

Patients nImmediate# perception domain (S) ρEmotional response domain (A2) ρp-value
No adjustment
 CAT score1590.770.630.001
 DIRECT score1610.700.580.019
 SF-12 PCS score154−0.50−0.410.149
 SF-12 MCS score154−0.43−0.600.005
Adjustment for FEV1 and mMRC
 CAT score1330.610.490.095
 DIRECT score1350.400.330.409
 SF-12 PCS score130−0.16−0.130.747
 SF-12 MCS score130−0.25−0.510.001
  • CAT: COPD Assessment Test; DIRECT: Disability Related to COPD Tool; SF-12: 12-item Short-Form Health Survey; PCS: physical composite scale; MCS: mental composite scale; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 s; mMRC: modified Medical Research Council dyspnoea scale. #: the term “immediate” corresponds to the perceptions evoked by the “worst dyspnoeic event” focused on by the patients, irrespective of the moment at which this event occurred within the 15 days’ recall period; : Hotelling–Williams test comparing correlation coefficients, in bold when p<0.05.