Main characteristics of the BioCAST population

Lung cancer in never smokers (BioCAST)Lung cancer in ever smokers#
Total patients n3846246
Sex %
 Women319 (83)19
 Men65 (17)81
 <55 years12 (19)30 (9)0.03342 (11)
World region origin
 Missing data n74148
 Europe51/58 (88)253/278 (91)0.468§304/336 (91)
 Africa4/58 (7)12/278 (4)16/336 (5)
 Asia1/58 (2)9/278 (3)10/336 (3)
 Caribbean2/58 (3)4/278 (1)6/336 (2)
Education level
 Missing data n74451
 High school and more34/58 (59)115/275 (42)0.037149/333 (45)
 Secondary school13/58 (22)66/275 (24)79/333 (24)
 Never schooled/primary school11/58 (19)94/275 (34)105/333 (32)
Body mass index kg·m−225.4±4.823.7±5.40.015ƒ24.2±5.5
 Missing data n74653
 Underweight/normal27/58 (47)165/273 (60)0.087192/331 (58)
 Pre-obese24/58 (41)74/273 (27)98/331 (30)
 Obese7/58 (12)34/273 (13)41/331 (12)
Alcohol intake (in standard glass per day)
 Missing data n74350
 0–149/58 (85)265/276 (96)0.003##314/334 (94)
 ≥29/58 (16)11/276 (4)20/334 (6)
  • Data are presented as n (%), median±interquartile range or n/N available (%), unless otherwise stated. #: data from the KBP-CPHG study [14]; : t-test; +: both smokers and never smokers (n=7051); not available for smokers only; §: computed between “European” and “non-European” categories; ƒ: Mann-Whitney U test; ##: Fisher's exact test; all others are Chi-squared tests (for categorical variables).