Definition and measurement of adherence behaviours in the studies reviewed

First author [ref.]YearAdherence definition/termAssessment methodDetailsValidity/reliability
Tettersell [32]1993Taking inhalers as prescribedPatient-reported, single itemOne item: “do you take your inhalers as prescribed?”;  four response options: “always”, “majority of the time (8 out of 10 doses)”, “about half of the time”, “only during or following an attack”NR
Bosley [33]1995Noncompliance; taking <70% of prescribed doses or omitting all doses for ≥1 weekElectronic monitoringTurbuhaler Inhalation Computer; computed for two 6-week periods as (no. of doses taken)/(no. of doses prescribed)×100NR
Apter [34]1998Use of ICS in the last 35 daysElectronic monitoringMDIlog, last 35 of 42 days considered, computed for 12-h periods as (recorded − prescribed actuations)×100; mean truncated adherence computed per subject; dichotomised (<or>70%)NR
Bennett [35]1998Adherence to preventive ICS usePatient-reported, published scaleRAAS [83]α=0.75
Chambers [36]1999Frequency of ICS usePatient-reported, single itemItem content not specified, four response options: “I use it at least twice a day almost every day”, “some days I use it at least twice, but on other days I don't use it at all”, I used to use it, but now I don't”, “I never used it”; dichotomised into “regular, twice daily” and “less than regular”NR
Schmaling [37]2000As-needed medication useCanister weightingTotal number of medication inhalations for each day in the prescription periodNR
Daily medication adherenceCanister weightingPredicted use (no. days × no. puff per day) compared to actual use; computed as percent of prescribed medication usedNR
Horne [38]2002Medication adherencePatient-reported, published scaleMARS [38]α=0.85
van Schayck [39]2002Medication compliance rateCanister weightingMedication used as a percentage of medication prescribedNR
Apter [40]2003Use of ICS in the last 42 daysElectronic monitoringMDIlog, 42 days, computed for 12-h periods as (recorded − prescribed actuations)×100; mean truncated adherence computed per subject; divided into four categories (<20%, 20–<50%, 50–<75%, 75–100%)NR
Jessop [41]2003Adherence to preventative inhaled medication in the last 3 monthsPatient-reported, published scale (adapted)RAAS [83] and two extra items on accidental nonadherenceα=0.92
Labrecque [42]2003Conformity of SABA prescription use with accepted good use criteriaMedical (refill) recordsDichotomous, good use criteria: for SABA with no ICS use, the interval between the targeted SABA prescription and the following refill corresponds to a maximum daily use of two inhalations; for SABA with ICS use, the criterion above, and a daily ICS dose below a fixed thresholdNR
Nishiyama [43]2003Reliever compliancePatient-reported, interviewPatients were required to state the drugs and dosage regimens they used; their reports were compared with prescription information; three values were coded: “good”; “overused”; “underused” (first two also applied to reliever)NR
Preventer compliancePatient-reported, interviewNR
Balkrishnan [44]2005Adherence to controller pharmacotherapyMedical (refill) recordsComputed as: (days of prescription supply dispensed)/(days between prescription refills − number of days person was hospitalised); dichotomised as compliant (0.5–1.5) or notNR
Lacasse [45]2005Non-complianceElectronic monitoringMDIlog; calculated for 12 weeks daily as proportion of prescribed daily dose actually inhaled; dichotomised as compliant (>75%) or notNR
Stempel [46]2005Asthma medication refill rateMedical (refill) recordsNumber of 1-month supply during the 12-month post-index periodNR
Number of treatment daysMedical (refill) recordsFor monotherapy: total days supplied of medication For combination: total days supplied of ICSNR
SABA refill ratesMedical (refill) recordsNumber of 1-month supply during the 12-month post-index periodNR
Bender [47]2006Adherence to ICS/LABAMedical (refill) recordsTotal days supplied during follow-up periodNR
PersistenceMedical (refill) recordsTime to discontinuation computed as number of days from index date to date preceding the pre-specified gap when supply was exhaustedNR
Chatkin [48]2006ComplianceCanister weighting(Total quantity of medication used)/(quantity prescribed, i.e. three canisters in 3 months); dichotomised as compliant (>85%) or notNR
Hasegawa [49]2006Drug complianceMedical (prescription and refill) recordsComputed for 6 months as (number of medicines dispensed)/(number of medicines prescribed)×100; capped at 100%NR
Marceau [50]2006Persistence versus discontinuation: having prescriptions continuously renewed within the periodMedical (refill) recordsComputed as the sum of three times the duration of the current prescription (in days) plus all overlaps accumulated since therapy start; discontinuation date was the end date of the last filled prescription plus all overlapsNR
Ohm [51]2006Use of ICS+LABAElectronic monitoringAdvair diskhaler; computed as (number of counted doses)/(number of prescribed doses)×100; dichotomised as good adherence (≥80%) or notNR
Medication adherencePatient-reported, published scaleMARS [38]NR
Tavasoli [52]2006Compliance to prescribed MDI drugsPatient-reported, interviewFour items: "do you use your prescribed spray (MDI drug) regularly?", "have you ever had any history of not using your spray?", "do you still use your last prescribed spray?", "how do you use your spray? Show me"; response scales from 0 to 4NR
Ulrik [53]2006Intentional nonadherencePatient-reported, single itemOne item: “how often do you decide not to take your controller medication?”; five response options: “almost every day”, “a couple of times every week”, “a couple of times every month”, “a couple of times every year”, “hardly ever”NR
AdherencePatient-reported, single itemItem not specified; responses reported on a three-level scale: taking controller therapy as prescribed, less, or more than prescribedNR
Williams [54]2007ICS adherenceMedical (refill) records(Cumulative days supplied)/ (total number of days between refills for 1-year study period); analyses performed also with adherence stratified (0%, 0%–80%, ≥80%)NR
Williams [55]2007Primary non-adherenceMedical (refill) recordsNo prescription fill information recorded for 3 months after index prescriptionNR
ICS adherenceMedical (refill) recordsComputed as (total days supplied)/(number of days of observation)×100; adherence stratified (0%, 0–80%, ≥80%)NR
Breekveldt-Postma [56]2008Persistence during the first yearMedical (refill) recordsComputed as number of days from start to time of first failure to continue renewal of initial prescription, based on (number of units dispensed)/(number of units to be used per day as defined in pharmacy)NR
Janson [57]2008ICS nonadherence during the last 14 daysPatient-report, interviewNursing home assessment of ICS prescription and use, based on inspection of current asthma medication and two questions: “How many puffs and how many times per day did your doctor tell you to use this?”, “During the past 14 days, how many puffs and how many times per day have you used this?”; dichotomised as adherent (≥7 days of use in previous 14 days) or notNR
SABA or LABA overusePatient-reported, interviewNursing home assessment on SABA and LABA prescription and use, dichotomised as overuse (average >8 puffs of SABA or >2 puffs of LABA -single or combination- per day) or adherentNR
Martínez-Moragón [58]2008Frequency of ICS usePatient-reported, single itemOne item, not specified, adapted after (37); four response options, from “never” to “at least twice a day almost every day”, dichotomised into “almost every day” versus “rarely if ever”NR
McGann [59]2008“How closely an individual's medication taking behaviours, as measured by the DOSER, approximated prescribed use instructions provided by the healthcare provider”Electronic monitoringDOSER; ratio of the number of observed correct prescribed use days between day 3 and 14Agreement with other measures (not specified) 84.32%
Menckeberg [60]2008Medication acquisitionMedical (refill) records(Total days supplied)/(total number of days from first and last refill date)×100
Medication adherencePatient-reported, published scaleMARS [38]α=0.81
Wells [61]2008ICS adherence; the proportion of time that the patient had medication available during last 6 monthsMedical (refill) records(Total days supplied)/(number of days of observation)×100NR
Axelsson [62]2009Medication adherencePatient-reported, published scaleMARS [38]α=0.71
Bae [63]2009Prescription refill adherenceMedical (refill) records(Number of ICS refills)/12×100; categorised as appropriate use (>80%), underuse (50–80%), or extreme underuse (<50%)NR
Subjective self-reported adherencePatient-reported, single itemOne item: “how often did you take your ICS as prescribed for last 1 year?”; response on a visual analogue scale from 0% to 100%; categorised as appropriate use (>80%), underuse (50–80%), and extreme underuse (<50%)NR
Laforest [64]2009Intentional interruptionPatient-reported, single itemSix items included: 1) accidental interruption, 2) intentional interruption when feeling better, 3) intentional interruption when feeling worse, 4) reduced use when feeling better, 5) more frequent use of ICS in case of preliminary signs of asthma attack, and 6) intentional changes of doses independently of physician; analyses performed on intentional (when feeling better) and accidental interruptionNR
Accidental interruptionPatient-reported, single item
Ponieman [65]2009Medication adherencePatient-reported, published scaleMARS [38]; dichotomised as good adherence (≥4.5) or notα=0.86
Friedman [66]2010Prescription fillsMedical (refill) recordsTotal number of prescription refills during the post-index periodNR
Percentage of days coveredMedical (refill) records(Number of days patients had medication on hand)/(total number of post-index days=365)×100NR
Takemura [67]2010Self-reported adherence to inhalation regimenPatient-reported, published scale (adapted)Modification of RAAS [83] concerning the use of inhaled controller medications; mean adherence score computed; dichotomised as good adherence (≥4.0) or notNR
Bolman [68]2011Medication adherencePatient-reported, published scaleMARS [38]α=0.89
Emilsson [69]2011Medication adherencePatient-reported, published scaleMARS [38]α=0.77
Small [70]2011Physician-perceived compliance; “the extent to which the patients are perceived to follow their physician's prescribing instructions and advice”Physician-reported, bespoke scaleTwo items (not specified) on physician-perceived patients' compliance regarding frequency of use and inhaler use; five response options from “not at all compliant” to “fully compliant”α=0.92
Suzuki [71]2011ICS adherenceMedical (prescription and refill) recordsRatio of doses dispensed in the pharmacy divided by prescribed doses documented in medical chartsNR
Foster [72]2012Adherence with ICS/LABAElectronic monitoringSmart inhaler; daily adherence calculated as (no. recorded actuations/no puffs prescribed)×100, capped at 100% and averaged for the last 4 weeks of 2 months monitoredNR
Patient-reported, published scaleMorisky adherence scale [84]NR
Patient-report, single itemEstimation of own inhaler use (days/week and puffs per day) in the last 4 weeksNR
Ahmedani [73]2013ICS adherenceMedical (prescription and refill) records(Total days supplied)/(3-month observation period)×100NR
Axelsson [74]2013Medication adherencePatient-reported, published scaleMARS [38]α=0.75
Price [75]2013ICS adherencePatient-reported, published scaleMARS [38], categorised as “low”(“often” or “always” response to any question), “borderline” (´sometimeś responses to > 1 question), and “good” (any other answer)NR
Price [76]2013ICS adherenceMedical (prescription) records(Total days supplied)/(365-day observation period)×100NR
Schatz [77]2013Questionnaire low adherencePatient-reported, published scaleResponse to “how often are you actually taking your ICS medication now” compared to response to “based on your doctor's most recent instructions, how often were you advised to be taking your ICS medication now” (less frequently)NR
Percent of days coveredMedical (refill) recordsDays’ supply of dispensed canisters over the follow-up at 3, 6, and 12 monthsNR
Wells [78]2013ICS adherenceMedical (prescription and refill) recordsContinuous multiple-interval measure of medication availability equals number of days' supply for each fill/total number of days between the present and next fill; averaged for the observation periodNR
Baddar [79]2014Compliance with controller treatmentInterview cross-checked with electronic patient recordsGood equals taking 100% of daily prescribed medication and ≤2 missed doses/administrations per week; partial equals taking more or less than their daily prescribed medication; poor equals any other inhaler use patternsNR
Federman [80]2014ICS adherenceDose countReview of dose counters for all dry powder inhaler devices during the first 3 months and 30 days after each new prescription; dichotomised as <80% and ≥80%NR
Taylor [81]2014Adherence to ICS prescriptionsMedical (prescription) recordsPrescription possession ratio: (number of days prescribed during calendar year)/(number of days in the interval)×100NR
van Steenis [82]2014ICS adherencePatient-reported, published scale (adapted)Morisky adherence scale [84], adaptedNR
ICS adherenceMedical (refill) recordsProportion of days covered: (number of days' supply)/(365 or truncated if medication gap ≥182)×100; dichotomised as <80% and ≥80%NR
  • NR: not reported; ICS: inhaled corticosteroids; RAAS: Revised Asthma Adherence Scale; MARS: Medication Adherence Rating Scale; MDI: metered-dose inhaler; SABA: short-acting β2-agonists; LABA: long-acting β2-agonists; α: Cronbach's α test.